Design Portfolio

Selected UI/UX design projects

UCLA Health Mobile App

I designed the UI/UX and created interactive prototypes for this impactful app, which enables patients to search for providers, get directions and maps, discover information regarding medical services, access their health records, and more.

UI/UX design
interactive prototypes
mobile app design

Center for the Art of Performance UCLA Website

I designed this responsive website, creating the design system and producing the interactive prototypes. The website provides information, tickets, and resources regarding UCLA's Center for the Art of Performance.

responsive web design
design system
interactive prototypes

Spiral Notebook Research Study Mobile App and Web Platform for Teachers

I designed the app, web platform, and branding for this research study that enables elementary and middle school STEM teachers to collect, annotate, review, share, and collaborate on complex evidence of instruction in their classrooms.

UI/UX design
interactive prototypes

MyHeartCare Research Study App for Heart Care Patients

I designed the mobile app, interactive prototypes, and branding for this innovative research study that tests whether the use of a mobile app can improve heart-failure patients' adherence to a daily home monitoring regimen.

UI/UX design
interactive prototypes

PRISMS Pediatric Asthma Research Study App

I designed the mobile app, UI/UX, illustrations, and interactive prototypes, and I created the dragon character animations for this cutting edge sensor and mhealth analytics research study supporting kids with asthma.

UI/UX design